"A point of view can be a dangerous luxury when substituted for insight and understanding."
-Marshall McLuhan

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The New "Facebook" for Athletes

    Here's a follow up article--more about our actual topic. It's introducing a new social media site created just for young athletes. It's different than, say, facebook.com in the sense that it's not just a way for athletes to portray themselves, it's also a hub for parents to organize carpools and get the latest equipment to buy their young athletes.
    The thing that caught my attention in this article is when the author pointed out how the site would allow athletes to have more control on how their "image is being used commercially." I think that should be a top priority to any athlete and it would also allow them to sell advertising alongside any video/photos they upload to their page, instead of having a network like ESPN show their stuff for free.
    I think the key term the author uses further into the article is "opportunities." This site would provide young athletes so many more opportunities to get their image out there and to become known in more ways than are available today with just networking.
    This article is great for our topic because it's not just about Twitter and Facebook anymore, but now there's a site out there with the sole purpose of promoting athletes, which is long overdue in my opinion.

Article link:


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